Soap Recycling Project
Soap Recycling Project
Recycling used, unnecessary soaps→making employment
To resolve “Mottai-Nai” by our 3 steps method
4 purposes of eliminating”Mottai-Nai.”
The Soap project aims 4 purposes below, which is based on the axis of “making a unique system,” the theme of Happy Steps.
1.To reduce disposal in Japan
We contribute to the society by recycling soaps which hotels disposed of, reduce industrial disposal, and make the society eco-friendly. According to our independent research, 80% of Japanese domestic hotels use solid soaps. Actually, some hotels are disposing of the most of the soaps which are not even used. We promote our project and challenge to reduce the waste in Japan.
2. To create social commitment chances for handicapped people (make employment).
Collected soaps are modified into powder soap at the social welfare institution for handicapped people. We create a new social participating activity by exploring to produce, develop, and share the technique of powder soap production.
3.To suggest social contribution in neighborhood
The laundry soap of Happy Steps is made of soaps from sophisticated hotels so it f has rich fragrance. We also offer the opportunity of soap recycle contribution for ordinary customers by washing clothes as usual.
4.To support child and family service
We donate a part of our laundry soaps to some Japanese child and family service institutions or animal protection organizations. We also help the enlightenment of recycling and alleviating the economic burden.
Establishing Soap Recycling System
Happy Steps circulates the soaps in 3 methods shown below and produces multiple values.
1 Retrieve soaps from hotels
At first, we collect soaps from high-marked hotels in Japan. Those soaps are just gotten small spotted or opened without using. We work with ECOLAB Inc. and Japanese hotels on this collection.
High bland soaps with rich fragrance
Regularly retrieving from hotels
2 Process soaps at welfare workshop
Secondly, we make soaps crash and create powder detergent soaps at a social welfare institution for handi-capped people called “Sayama Daiki ” at Sayama City, Saitama Prefecture. Many handicapped people are working for this job very hard.
With the staff at the workplace
Crashing soap machine
3 Distribute Soaps to child and family institutions as the detergent.
Lastly, we pack them as the powder detergent soap, then donate it to over 200 children services.
A spoonful of the detergent, you can use a washing machine one time.
“ Thank you for giving me 30kg of the detergent soap. It would help me live by myself from this spring.”
We thankfully received many warm and decent letters.
To conclude the global cooperation on soap recycling
As for the recycling activity, not only to enhance it but also to spread out around the world, Happy Steps plans to conclude the global cooperation with “Clean the World” and “Handmade Soap Association”, which is a Japanese general incorporated association. We promote the soap recycling in both internal and external Japan by concluding our three embodiment coalition. Moreover, we expand enlightenment of recycling conscious, and its actualization.
Happy Steps → → → Clean the World →oversea
↓ ↘ Handmade Soap Association → (3000 Japanese members)
Social Welfare workshops
Child and family services
To sell the powder soap to the customers
We now sell our powder soap to some aesthetic salons, spa, and current customers.
We permeate a system consuming our soap in aesthetic salons and spas, with increasing washing, so our charitable contribution will be promoted. It enable us to constitute unconscious social contribution with the new wave which makes a cycle among Japanese “sophisticated hotels,” “social welfare institutions,” “spas and salons,” and “consumers.”
Anybody who is interested in to purchase our product, please order from our selling homepage (9kg, 3000 \ including tax and shipment fees).
You can buy our powder soap/ aesthetic tickets from here.
Releasing activity reports
We release our activity reports and summary periodically. Please check them out.
Our first half summary in 2015 (issued June 2015)
Our second half summary in 2015 (issued December 2015)